Thanks Helen,

Now I've come out of the other end of the PhD, some of the strange Garrett 
ventures will naturally fall back into play, and this list is a kind of tapping 
back into early Furtherfield (grounded) processes, where connecting beyond 
one's own 'central point' of one's ego, and reconnecting to a network (no 
matter how dysfunctional) is once more, essential.

Post-Web 2.0, we still have the networks & communities out there, it's just 
that the platforms have diverted our attentions from peer/collective/building. 
The building does not necessarily need to be structural, but more about peer 
acknowledgement, support & caring - the FurtherList is one example where 
solidarity is created by seeing each other once more.

Wishing you well.

NetBehaviour mailing list

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