Ah ha! Misled by my relative ignorance of the specifics and the later reference 
to rap.. but... still my point stands... we lose something if we abandon 
wholesale physically actuated sound and the fragility of the live but wholesale 
dismissal of new musical practices is foolish, blunts our lives and 
experiences... fiercely critical openness seems to me the order of the day :)

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Wednesday, December 4, 2019, 9:45 pm, Rob Myers <r...@robmyers.org> wrote:

Grimes -

I’m a big fan of all three but for very different reasons.
- Rob.
On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 1:13 PM, Michael Szpakowski <m...@michaelszpakowski.org> 
 Do you mean Grime Simon? I’m unclear. I think there is a big difference 
between a healthy scepticism and nuanced discussion about how tech can on 
occasion be ill used and the dismissal of whole swathes of work...

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Wednesday, December 4, 2019, 6:36 pm, Simon Mclennan via NetBehaviour 
<netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:

Have to weigh in in this! Grimes. Sorry. Yes — Grimes. Utterly soulless product 
without anything of cultural value to me, musical or otherwise. This discussion 
between these three entities makes me yawn. It’s all about money - absolutely 
nothing else - it’s the equivalent of Smash powdered potatoes - worse than 
that. These people are completely without musical talent - the so-name AI is 
less than the dirt under the nails of the Ed Blackwell. Technology is only 
about generating revenue. It does not help musicians - rap is a festering sore 
on the ass of the bourgeoisie. An undeniable itch - when scratched and 
cauterised momentarily it oozes some wealth for a tiny few participants. Sorry 
I rarely contribute to this list - and I dig you cats for keeping the stuff 
rumbling along the conveyor / keep it up and — where’s my Jazzmaster and 
homemade inks....

Sent from my spyphone 
On 28 Nov 2019, at 18:11, Alan Sondheim via NetBehaviour 
<netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:

It's definitely a discussion we need to have. It reminds me of a dinner I had 
years ago w/ Cage who confirmed he criticized jazz because the player worked 
with fixed rhythms. Something gets lost in these discussions; Adorno fails 
miserably.Ah well... It relates to my writing about 'somatic ghosting' I think. 
And I always feel I have to justify myself (although the audience doesn't feel 
it) when I show up playing an acoustic guitar for example. -- Alan

On Thu, Nov 28, 2019 at 1:06 PM Rob Myers <r...@robmyers.org> wrote:

On 2019-11-27 7:40 p.m., Alan Sondheim wrote:
>> This sounds so white/privileged to me, the position
> of the listener paramount for example, the relegation of community to
> reproduction, etc. It's a form of hip effacement. I realize I haven't
> read everything HH's has written, but there's a fundamental difference
> between a drum machine and a "great drummer" who came from community,
> breathes within community, and contributes to community. Thinking for
> example of free jazz, and the difficulties and explorations of the great
> players, the relation of that music to the cry, the field holler, the
> blues, gospel musics, etc. 

I think HH would agree with you.

> and I keep returning to white white white white white and privilege.
There is something class-bound about Grimes (currently dating a
billionaire) and HH (whose last album was their PhD thesis) arguing
about who the future will be worse for. But I suspect that our own
reactions can be similarly reduced to our respective identities.

There's obviously a bigger historical discussion about race, technology,
intellectual property and music that AI and "AI" are just the latest
phase of. Drum machines being prominent in rap and techno and disdain
for them as tools may be related, for example. Given this, I'm genuinely
surprised that AI has been instantly mainstreamed in music in the way
that it seems to have. More like the Fairlight than the 808...

- Rob.

http://www.alansondheim.org tel 718-813-3285
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