Annie the feeling is mutual, I've learned a lot from you, about silence,
about communication, about other listenings, thank you -

On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 4:57 AM Annie Abrahams via NetBehaviour <> wrote:

> Dear Alan,
> Already for a few weeks I think I should tell Alan that he learned me to
> write something one might call poetry
> you are such a big inspirational source
> and
> it is very important, because in these
> difficult
> times trying to capture something of what I feel, and playing with the
> words, tones and rhythms, so they can influence my feeling again
> is the best way for me to continue
> it gives solace
> thanks Alan
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 9:26 AM Alan Sondheim <> wrote:
>> my virus babies many do it
>> many do it my virus babies
>> oh oh oh oh oh i feed you feed me feed you
>> i feed you and you you and you i feed oh oh oh oh oh
>> oh feed me i feed you feed me oh oh oh oh lost oh
>> oh oh feed you you feed me feed you oh oh oh lost oh oh
>> oh oh oh feed you you feed you feed you oh oh lost oh oh oh
>> oh oh oh oh i feed me i feed me i feed me oh lost oh oh oh oh
>> oh oh oh oh oh i feed you feed me feed you your virus babies
>> oh oh oh oh oh oh you feed me feed you my virus babies
>> oh oh oh oh oh oh oh  feed feed your virus my virus
>> oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh feed feed my virus your virus
>> babies babies babies babies babies so many babies
>> oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh feed me
>> o babies feed me
>> lost oh oh oh oh oh
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