thank you mark! 

the visual is an improviation with my hands while singing the lament
I have somehow less motivation lately to incorp data as strictly as it is done
in data sonification, not so much against it as a method but more the time it 
my life time, that it would cost to make it happen and what would it change
mathematics of emotion, would it become truer?

the idea was to lament… as in improvised practice, 
I read this article THE LAMENT by Eleni Ikoniadou
and she describes these professional lamenters as people who vocalize 
during funeral the facts people who knew the dead would whisper to them

so I thought usig my hands lamenting along… 

I was thinking of using hands in general, performing normal tasks
like dish washing, driving, make dough, typing, sowing etc
but i decided for a more abstract way

maybe the next version I could think of something like this, or a mix of it
I have more ideas

thank you so much for the feedback
and your time

> On 27 Oct 2020, at 19:54, marc garrett via NetBehaviour 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Agee,
> I went straight to the mp4 and watched & listened to the sound piece.
> I agree with Alan on most of what he said, however, I wasn't sure if
> the graphics (even though excellent) were conceptually relating to the
> content being explored. For example, if the graph images were taken
> from data of lives damaged or lost etc. I think it would be more
> appropriate.havi9ng said this, I think it's necessary to maintain the
> visual abstraction you though because it allows room for the
> imagination and adds a glitch aesthetic reflecting the nature of the
> hybrid /cut-up sound elements themselves.

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