Huge thanks to all of you who voted.
I'll get back to you with more about what we learned through the process,
but in the meantime....

 ANNOUNCING│The People's Park Pick! ✨

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*Based on a Tree Story*
*HERVISIONS X Ayesha Tan Jones*
A site-specific, sonic augmented reality encounter with a digital tree
sprite that tells tales of the tree’s past, present and future.


*THANK YOU* to everyone who voted, visited and took part in this year’s
edition of the *People’s Park Plinth*! We are extremely grateful and
overwhelmed with the positive response to the project by local and
international visitors.

We’ll be launching a larger commission of *Based on a Tree Story* this
*Autumn*, and to continue celebrating the heritage, artistry and local
voices from Finsbury Park, all the ‘taster’ artworks will be available
until *Spring 2022. *


In 2019, we celebrated 150 years of *Finsbury Park* being the* ‘People’s
Park’ *– a place where we can all do things together. In 2020, protests
across the UK saw public artworks toppled from plinths, while the pandemic
left us separated and isolated.

With this in mind, we launched the *People’s Park Plinth* this summer, as a
way to re-explore our public spaces by turning *Furtherfield Gallery*
inside out and expanding its digital arts programme beyond our walls and
into the life of *Finsbury Park*.

For this project, we collaborated with incredibly talented artists,
curators and local park members to create *3 ‘taster’ digital public
artworks* that speak about the park’s heritage and local stories:

*Breath Mark Collective*│*Royal College of Art*│

*Hannah Kemp-Welch & Lisa Hall HERVISIONS Ayesha Tan Jones Desree Alex Dayo
Studio Hyte The Drumming School with Alex Dayo, in collaboration with David
Kemp Edible Landscapes London Ricard Zanoli, Finsbury Park’s Ranger
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