

I don't age.
I just gather pictures.
Then I'll stop.

|| this was the first. well, not entirely:

I don't age.
I just see things.
Then I'll stop.

|| I thought of Karl Kraus. then I wrote:

I don't grow old.
I just witness.
Then I'll stop.

|| I did consider haiku, then I wrote:

I don't age.
I just live in the imaginary.
Then I'll stop.

|| wrong count, wrong message. then I thought:

I'll just stop.

|| gloss:

Thinking how age is both a physical process and
a gathering of memories. in my situation, they
all have equal weight, ontological status, and
even clarity of detail. all of them. and then I
thought, this gathering will stop. and I then
thought, this is what life is: a gathering from
an inchoate beginning, and then nothing - know
that I will not be present for the nothing - or
that the nothing will not present itself to me
- but to other, for a short time, will present
itself - but what is that but fading all along,
all down the line, and then stop. so that:


I don't age.
I just gather pictures.
I just see things.
I just live in the imaginary.

Then I'll stop.
I'll just stop.

|| gloss:

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