
We're worried. I'm worried, anyway. I was talking to my brother about it today. Let's hope it's all just sabre-rattling and it blows over, but that's what we hoped about the Ukraine. The US can't afford to drive Russia and China into each other's arms any more than is already the case, and this has given China the opportunity to write a narrative about unwarranted US interference, and a betrayal of the 'One China' policy... On the other hand we're all suffering from crisis fatigue, Taiwan is a lot further away than the Ukraine, and of course there are a lot of people who just never pay any attention to international news at all... I think on the whole the reaction is 'Oh Christ, here's another thing to worry about; what does that bloody idiot Nancy Pelosi think she's achieving?; let's hope it doesn't all kick off'.


On 8/5/22 8:39 PM, Alan Sondheim via NetBehaviour wrote:

Thanks for this. On a related issue, how are people in England responding to the uptick in China/Taiwan tension? From here, the world often appears heading towards Armageddon with no recourse...

- Alan -

On Thu, 4 Aug 2022, Edward Picot wrote:

Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2022 19:26:40 +0100
From: Edward Picot <>
Reply-To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Nuit


I especially like this bit:

 my final message: WRITE IN STONE: YOU MAY HAVE A CHANCE. I am taking
 Measure of this Discussion. I will send in a Report. It will be specific,  especially in the absence of currency. It is there I am coming towards you
 in the fog, almost the thickness of thumbs.

The 'coming towards you in the fog' is very Samuel Beckett-like.


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