It really is a fantastic book Marc, the fruit of many years of labour. I’ve 
just recommended it to some German curators and academics working in the field 
of media arts / digitalisation / sustainability and will keep plugging it over 

I’ve really enjoyed seeing quotes and interviews popping up on Twitter etc. I 
think it’ll be one of those books that is a slow-burner, gradually attracting 
more attention until it becomes a classic. And that distinctive cover of 
Carla’s work really helps! ;)

Congratulations again and thank you. <3


> On 29. Sep 2022, at 13:11, marc.garrett via NetBehaviour 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Max,
> I'm grateful for you writing your own perspectives about the book on the 
> list. It really helps open up some of the reasonings being explored in it.
> But also, I agree with you about having that distance of time to look at 
> Shelley's circumstances, the society then, revolutions, radicalness etc, and 
> looking at how things are now in comparison. For me, by looking at 
> Frankenstein and Shelley, it really helped open the conversations that needed 
> to happen. One of the main reasons for this, is so we were not purely caught 
> up in jargon, theory, tech or art speak, as the main intellectual currency of 
> communication. Of course, some of the terms around the tech being looked at 
> had their own
> More than ever I feel we need to move beyond our chosen, intellectual silos 
> if we wish to change society, or at least connect with others in ways which 
> are not isolationist. And yes, I know that people do not intend to create the 
> conditions of isolation. However, now is the time for us to work harder at 
> connecting up in ways which are contrary to the dominant narratives of 
> 'control and divide, demolish'.
> I'm not sure if my suspicions have any real grounding here, and I 'hope' it 
> doesn't, and that those in the upper echelons of the media art world 
> contradict my suspicions. But, I suspect they will struggle to allow such a 
> book to be heard in their conferences, festivals and educational 
> environments, even though I'd say this book is essential for students and the 
> wider context of the media art world. The clever thing about this book, is 
> that it's clever enough to move beyond these fields of practice whilst 
> including media art ideas and it's amazing artistry; but, at the same time, 
> it may limit its appeal to those wanting historical, technological and 
> political references to remain only within 'new' media art frameworks, thus, 
> reflecting elite peer groups.
> We'll see how it goes. I'm happy with the book and think all those in it are 
> brilliant. In fact, if I had the money I'd do more exhibitions on the subject 
> and include more people, and create a part 2 of the book reflecting this 
> continuing expansion, because, the stories are so vital.
> Wishing you well.
> Marc
> =============>
> DR Marc Garrett - <>
> Furtherfield - <>
> DECAL - <>
> Bio - <>CV - 
> <> <>
>  <>
> Sent with Proton Mail <> secure email.
> ------- Original Message -------
> On Wednesday, September 28th, 2022 at 18:44, Max Herman via NetBehaviour 
> <> wrote:
>> Hi Marc,
>> I just got my copy of the book last week and have started reading it.  Great 
>> to see so many on the list represented!  
>> For now I've just read the intro and conclusion, and skimmed the images and 
>> chapters, because of the different "eye" and vocabulary I'm using for 
>> current work in progress.  One impression I got reading the book is how 
>> technology gets into your head pretty firmly just by asking the question 
>> "what is it?"  Not why do I want it, how will it help, not where does it fit 
>> into my own situation and the big picture too, etc., but simply what is the 
>> function?  What is this weird thing that does something though I can't see 
>> or know what that is yet?  Everything but the presumably new and powerful 
>> object is blanked out, in a real sense our "us" is even blanked out 
>> temporarily, so we're always at a disadvantage while that enigma is in play. 
>>  Every tech commercial says "check out this new feature/product/function," 
>> often quite ridiculously but always like an earnest yet hip parent or 
>> teacher.  We think we need to know, or are being innocuously informed, but 
>> even merely visualizing and verbalizing the mechanism is the hook.  (Plus 
>> anxiety of influence.  🙂)
>> The book is also very dense, concentrated, perhaps like a pill?  Like the 
>> cover image the text is full of myriad detail and highly charged particles.  
>> Of course this is all part of the theme and the reality too so it certainly 
>> works.  Indeed, how could assembling so many people and works on such a 
>> topic not be somewhat terrifying and monstrous?  Apropos of which I like the 
>> little after-words of warning and the final image -- Friend?  Foe?  Some of 
>> each?
>> The literary references are much more peaceable and home-spun for me.  My 
>> current project does not reference The Modern Prometheus but does include 
>> Ovid, Milton, some Percy Shelley, a bit of Aeschylus, and so on.  The 
>> projects blending in some "literature" or writing from a somewhat-distant 
>> person or time appealed to me on cursory overview, perhaps a bit like the 
>> cover art's early modern connections.  I generally recoil, and let myself do 
>> so, from images, concepts, or maps which allow no part of the stories and 
>> words I seem to need.
>> Also interesting from my particular, somewhat odd current view are the 
>> collection's weaving and cloth elements.  These are not the earliest 
>> technology, following some time after clubs and hand-axes, but differ 
>> interestingly (perhaps because they are machine-like yet imitate human 
>> form?).  Textiles span a very long time period, thus signifying much 
>> especially when expanded to include computers as the book does in a few 
>> places.  Your interview mentions plague DNA being added to a fabric in one 
>> featured artwork, and there are also images added to cloth in at least one 
>> case in the book.  And really, aside from the highwaters, green skin, and 
>> neck-bolts what is more to the point than the stiches keeping our 
>> protagonist's flat skull-top and very hands attached?  
>> One aversion I have (especially during work in progress) is theory-speak, 
>> and the book shows admirable hesitance therein without going overboard in 
>> the other extreme.  The doing and the making as emphasis I like, the being 
>> really, and the non-doctrinaire skepticism, since theory may itself be 
>> another instrument which has "gone monstrous" over the last say 25 (or 50 or 
>> 150) years.  Or has it been ebbing too?  Yes there is critique in the book 
>> but rather than prescriptive explanation by new or specialized terminology 
>> avalanching after it the assemblage, chapters and intro, seems to say 
>> "wait."  I do think this is important and the reference to Thich Nhat Hahn 
>> is one refreshing example.  Theory as specialist language designed to 
>> dissect and dominate natural phenomena, thereby establishing compartmented 
>> professions ad infinitum and institutionalizing many dysfunctions, is still 
>> a problem for our modern world.
>> Currently being focused on a certain early modern portrait the theme and 
>> metaphor of human faces also resonate for me.  I'm doing some portraiture 
>> myself just for ballast and not doing it very well I've had to learn to see 
>> what's good or useful in mostly imperfect images.  This I have noticed 
>> involves a certain mirroring or even dialogue on my own part, such as 
>> smiling or frowning slightly at an image, or looking at one section or area 
>> more than others while unfocused parts blur, shrink, or disappear.  Words of 
>> course are also happening, sometimes amorphously, while this seeing process 
>> goes on and so my own "face" gets involuted with the one I'm looking at or 
>> trying to imagine.  The book seems to know this terrain well and closely 
>> grapple with how to navigate it.
>> A quote that resonates strongly for me with all this is the following about 
>> monsters from my present topic of study in the Italian Renaissance.  I 
>> started off thinking of this period as "the brand new start of everything" 
>> but now I realize how much an age of collapse, despair, and desolation it 
>> was (or is).  There's something of this in Bosch's Delights, say, painted 
>> the same year as the Mona Lisa or close to it, but in many more places too.  
>> I'd even hazard to say the Renaissance saw dystopian modernity much as we 
>> do, though from the "before" side perhaps, their direct vision of past 
>> poverty and brutality providing antithesis to the optimist clangor much like 
>> our apprehension of the future's does now.  There's an arc so to say worth 
>> contemplating, maybe, and Shelley's novel is a very apt guide or evocative 
>> stranger somewhere along its middle promenade I do agree.  
>> "Animals will be seen on the earth who will always be fighting against each 
>> other with the greatest loss and frequent deaths on each side. And there 
>> will be no end to their malignity; by their strong limbs we shall see a 
>> great portion of the trees of the vast forests laid low throughout the 
>> universe; and, when they are filled with food the satisfaction of their 
>> desires will be to deal death and grief and labour and wars and fury to 
>> every living thing; and from their immoderate pride they will desire to rise 
>> towards heaven, but the too great weight of their limbs will keep them down. 
>> Nothing will remain on earth, or under the earth or in the waters which will 
>> not be persecuted, disturbed and spoiled, and those of one country removed 
>> into another. And their bodies will become the sepulture and means of 
>> transit of all they have killed.
>> O Earth! why dost thou not open and engulf them in the fissures of thy vast 
>> abyss and caverns, and no longer display in the sight of heaven such a cruel 
>> and horrible monster."
>> "Of the Cruelty of Man"
>> How to respond, what to try to do when the technology has gotten into the 
>> animal and monstrosity prevails, was the question then too, as now, but what 
>> was their answer?  Something also like ours, and the book's: no magic word, 
>> no instant antidote, but a mix of survival, improvisation, metamorphoses, 
>> and attempted transits from worse to better.  Many panaceas being presented 
>> to us now were in early stages then, and already understood to be false by 
>> some with clear imagination, so they don't have anything like an easy fix 
>> (these counterparts, I mean).  The images I see in use back then do include 
>> occasional metaphors, discreetly mingled into the mix among others, of 
>> garments and bridges.  One such is Giorgione's The Tempest, like the Garden 
>> and Joconde dated c. 1505 and perhaps the first landscape painting of all, 
>> almost universally considered indecipherable (though this could change) and 
>> reportedly Byron's favorite painting.  Another is that artist's The Sunset 
>> with its strange creatures crawling out of the river.
>> Your sentence in a previous post and the interview is also right on target:  
>> "It is a web of confusing and complex experiences and emerging pieces of 
>> knowledge that always requires constant attention."  Experience, one network 
>> feature not convincingly attributed to machines yet (and maybe ever as the 
>> book helpfully asserts in re Lanier and Kurzweil), was another major 
>> heuristic for early moderns.  It meant both cognition and experiment in 
>> Latin, and carried forward those meanings with remarkable continuity for 
>> artist-scientists from the ancients through medievals like Ockham and Roger 
>> Bacon, thence to Dante and Leonardo, even reaching more-moderns like Blake 
>> and Calvino.  It is far from irrelevant today, and I look forward to hearing 
>> more and finishing the book soon.
>> All best regards and thanks for the timely and ambitious work!
>> Max
>> From: NetBehaviour <> on behalf 
>> of marc.garrett via NetBehaviour <>
>> Sent: Monday, September 26, 2022 5:26 AM
>> To: M F <>
>> Cc: marc.garrett <>; NetBehaviour for networked 
>> distributed creativity <>
>> Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] First review of Frankenstein Reanimated :-)
>> Hi Meredith,
>> >What a thoughtful and thorough review I look forward to reading the book...
>> My thoughts exactly, it's lovely that someone has spent time to seriously 
>> and respectfully think about the content and themes being examined in the 
>> book, and genuinely express their own reasonings in words about it all from 
>> their own perspective.
>> It has an extra resonance for me because he's not directly involved in media 
>> art culture, as he mentions. What also matters is that, it's not a macho 
>> review, no competitive snarling like on Nettime, which I sadly seems full of 
>> angry men having a go at each other - I don't want to be like that, it's all 
>> to built around combative and not building alternatives because people are 
>> caught in institutional silos shouting out of them at each other in 
>> frustration. This however, feels very real and emancipatory because it's 
>> outside of that construct.
>> Wishing you well
>> Marc
>> =============>
>> DR Marc Garrett - <>
>> Furtherfield - <>
>> DECAL - <>
>> Bio - <>CV - 
>> <> <>
>>  <>
>> Sent with Proton Mail <> secure email.
>> ------- Original Message -------
>> On Saturday, September 3rd, 2022 at 15:14, M F <> wrote:
>>> What a thoughtful and thorough review -
>>> I look forward to reading the book
>>> Warmly
>>> Meredith
>>> On Sat, Sep 3, 2022 at 7:08 AM marc.garrett via NetBehaviour 
>>> < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Just saw a review of Frankenstein Reanimated and because some of you on the 
>>> list are in the book I thought you'd be interested in reading it.
>>> Mytho recommends (Phil Smith):
>>> Frankenstein Reanimated: Creation & Technology in the 21st Century (Eds. 
>>> Marc Garrett & Yiannis Colakides) Torque Editions, 2022
>>> <>
>>> This has been a very strange read for me. I have no attraction to or 
>>> understanding of the technical side of programming. I read Erik Davis’s 
>>> ‘TechGnosis’ back in 1998 when it first came out and, already anti-gnostic 
>>> and anti-transcendentalist, my suspicions about an information-based 
>>> society were heightened. I have pretty much remained that way ever since; 
>>> extending my wariness to information technology-based arts. Perhaps, I just 
>>> haven’t seen that wonderful piece to change my mind, though even one of the 
>>> artists interviewed in ‘Frankenstein Reanimated’ worries at the “VR 
>>> Headsets that provide clothes for hackneyed metaphors”.
>>> What brought me to read the book is my engagement with Mary Shelley’s novel 
>>> ‘Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus’, co-writing a stage adaptation 
>>> (which also drew on the Universal movies) back in 2005, which has continued 
>>> to tour intermittently ever since and was last year turned into a musical 
>>> at the Deutsches Theater in Munich. The early parts of ‘Frankenstein 
>>> Re-Animated’ address the abiding significance of the novel in some detail, 
>>> and then the interviews with various ‘media artists’ take over – a monster 
>>> taking control of its own life – and the book moves further away from Mary 
>>> Shelley and her engagement with stitching flesh and sparking philosophy in 
>>> dead brain matter.
>>> In his preface, Yiannis Colakides describes “a widening knowledge-gap in 
>>> the use and understanding of technologies” between hackers who operate as a 
>>> “vectoralist class.... [who] control.... information flows; and the 
>>> majority who are all too often taken for a ride by their technologies”. It 
>>> is this problematic relationship that seems to haunt – as Mary Shelley’s 
>>> monster plagues its creator, asking difficult questions and exacting 
>>> revenge – the artworks that ‘Frankenstein Reanimated’ describes and 
>>> discusses. In the vast majority of the examples – drawn from exhibitions in 
>>> Gíjon, London and Limassol – the technologies are deployed to critique and 
>>> even undo themselves; many draw on what Marc Garrett describes as the 
>>> effects of the new technologies to “have profoundly displaced and decentred 
>>> how we understand humans and humanity’s agency and corporality” in order to 
>>> explore those displacements and decentrings in what Gregory Sholette and 
>>> Olga Kopenkina call the “capitalist-realist... un-present”.
>>> Artworks explore the “potential harm of recognition technology”, how 
>>> technology carries racial assumptions as ‘universals’; gallery visitors are 
>>> drawn into making and choosing assumptions for image filtration. But when 
>>> an artist says “What is amazing to me.... is that people really get into 
>>> labelling each other” you want to shout back – ‘but that is what your 
>>> artwork asks them to do!’ Rather like the options in Luke Rhinehart’s 
>>> (George Cockcroft’s) ‘The Dice Man’ (1971) or Marina Abramovic’s Rhythm 0 
>>> (1974) – why are the options of sexual assault, a bullet and a gun, even in 
>>> there? There is an inbuilt manipulation that looks like choice or agency; 
>>> an implication and incorporation that is within the very structures and 
>>> techniques of the works that both address their themes in critique and 
>>> enact them simultaneously. It is jaw-dropping to read an artist who first 
>>> explains their work as “inspired.... by reading... about the autonomous 
>>> weapons systems... which... ‘conflate the act of seeing and killing’” and 
>>> then, on being asked to explain why the “visual universe” of their piece is 
>>> “so cold and clean”, replies that it is “just a pragmatic choice.... 
>>> everything that I am not trying to point to is at default value”.
>>> But wasn’t Mary Shelley starting with a default value, with a dismembered 
>>> body/bodies, bringing the default of the graveyard to life and not only 
>>> asking questions of it, but having it ask questions of everything. Pushing 
>>> the new technologies beyond their functional limits often has intriguing 
>>> and attention-grabbing effects, distorting figures and landscapes in ways 
>>> reminiscent of historical and contemporary human artists, but then the 
>>> suspicion is all the time that these effects are the remnants of the art 
>>> history education of the programmers rather than any novel interruption of 
>>> productions of the obvious. It is disheartening to read an artist bemoan 
>>> “the pre-existing bias of my initial dataset... The results may have been 
>>> further distorted by technical bias due to technical constraints of the 
>>> algorithm”. As artist Mary Flanagan says, almost in despair: “I keep 
>>> wondering why we are on this quest to make artificial systems emotive.... 
>>> why we invent things just to invent them, thinking that somehow anything 
>>> new improves our lives”. And yet the artworks keep on coming as each new 
>>> wave of artists ‘discovers’ the possibilities of (and funding for) arts and 
>>> new technologies.
>>> If I came away with a slightly refined animosity, I would not want to 
>>> discourage anyone from reading this book; it is endlessly fascinating. It 
>>> never flinches from the difficulty of this work and the mind-bending 
>>> tangles that contort the artists working with it, often in interfaces with 
>>> terrifying state and fiscal systems. Paul Vanousse’s article (he was 
>>> investigated by the FBI who attempted to enter his studio and home, two of 
>>> his previous collaborators were prosecuted) is a welcome reminder of just 
>>> how dangerous some of these themes/threats can be.
>>> ‘Frankenstein Reanimated’ is perhaps most powerful and engaging when it 
>>> addresses the technology not as a “tool” or an expansion of the artists’ 
>>> themes, but as an agency in itself: “a growing chorus of techno-objects 
>>> that insistently asks us to drill the Arctic, build pipelines, burn coal” 
>>> (Eugenio Tisselli). The “monster” does not feed us, it wants us to feed it, 
>>> otherwise, it threatens, it will takes its revenge; those who serve and 
>>> obey it can participate in its feeding frenzy “where the secret sauce of 
>>> memetic media meets the magic sauce of right-wing billionaires, 
>>> underwriting political campaigns to facilitate a wholesale move to the hard 
>>> right” (Ami Clarke). But as Mary Flanagan says: “why are we on this quest?”
>>> Anyone interested in a copy go here - 
>>> <>
>>> Wishing you well
>>> Marc
>>> =============>
>>> DR Marc Garrett - <>
>>> Furtherfield - <>
>>> DECAL - <>
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>>> <> <>
>>>  <>
>>> Sent with Proton Mail <> secure email.
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