The crease, or rift, again VIDEO 2nd barrier, Went back to the inlet or barrier or estuary or river again . The dredging and work was going on . It was almost the same as last time except that the weather was better for video. The clarity and what might be called animals in terms of a theory of turbulence were more evident than ever. This is a recording of that and also a chance to consider again the idea of adjacency of fissures and the difference between fissures and inscriptions and how the world is organized in these ways at least from the point of view of an intelligent or not so intelligent observer. Are fissures adjacent? They tend to sinter, corrode, in some accounts, accountancies. So they obviate, distend/withdraw, space is created. Identities are lost - that might be the most convenient way to approach this. Begin with a name and the sense of an inscription and watch what happens with weathering. Climate change transforms shorelines and buries, what is buried may disintegrate, molecular floatings without identities . What is lost may be lost in the sense of tabulations, data-bases as well, as if what is lost never existed . One cannot write about or through this category: _there is nothing to describe,_ nothing is there, nothing recorded. Even in its presence, this writing cancels itself . Every animal , every fissure, every corrosion is different , every one, 1, corrodes until there is no way to fill in the blank attituditation of speech but to end is as well or transform into other topics, barriers for one, as if the trenches in warfare carried names and bodies permanently and remaining forever. +++ _______________________________________________ NetBehaviour mailing list
[NetBehaviour] The crease, or rift, again
Alan Sondheim via NetBehaviour Fri, 11 Nov 2022 13:46:09 -0800