Shelter video

circa WWII, a reel of film in the possession of Col. James A
Carter - perhaps taken by him in England? - unclear - Allies'
planes? - perhaps collected by him - the frame outline implies
relationships among them - silent - the very skies transformed -
one can only imagine - the relationship might be in the _final_
assemblage of the segments - the (original) coloration (that is,
not dyed) might imply different stocks - certainly different
days - accompanied by an improvisation on an Okinawan sanshin -
fairly old but not an ebony neck - very hard heavy wood though -
traditional snake-skin body (now illegal for import) which had
split - often happens, the weather - I repaired it - the Doumaki
- body cover is perfect - it sounds amazing - an old case from
the 1950s or 60s - not original with it - impossible to date -
"the Battle of Okinawa- the deadliest action in the Pacific War"
- the Ryukyu islands - in the 1950s we sheltered under the desks
- the planes never came - I had a picture of the first hydrogen
bomb explosion on my bed table along with Anne Frank - can only
imagine Ukraine - so many other places as well - perhaps all of
us seek shelter - music is a form of it - a kind of it - are
forms kinds? - his voice is silent - there are planes - there
are always the planes - always and always the planes - the very
atmosphere transformed - uneasy sounds - that thin almost
inconsequential object released - sounds and silent and that
sound - can only imagine - the sanshin delicate in my hands -
the strings quite worn but unbroken - the sound of Okinawan
music behind me - I cannot approach it - cannot play in that
style - something else speaks through me - riding me - thoughts
of being hunted - inconceivable - I used to think - growing up -
the planes are coming, the planes are coming - now I play this,
playing this - the planes are coming, the planes are coming -


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