help .

fictional help on the high seas
help ! 2004
the Coral Princess did not and does not need help
it never did need help, C. P. does not need help now
it's a fiction about help on the high seas
the short moving image of C. P. is jut that, a fiction
it's a made up story about a ship needing help
the C. P. has never as far as I know needed help
the C. P. was traveling and minding its own business
in the middle of the night a peaceful C. P. on the seas
the seas most likely may have possibly been an ocean
i'm sure it must be fun to travel on the C. P.
i sure would like to (travel on the C. P.)
i needed help and that C. P. never needed help
as far as i know we never needed help
that needing help by C. P. and me


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