The Jeremy Bailey Interview on the Netbehaviour.

Hello Netbehaviourists,

I just wanted to mail this now, so that I can begin straight away with 
questions (dialogue) tomorrow.

 From Thursday 11th until 18th Sept 08. This is an experiment and Jeremy 
has graciously agreed to be the first artist interviewed on here. So 
bare with us an lets see what happens :-)

Of course, anyone is welcome to take part in the discussion. I will be 
asking some specific questions but am also happy to play coach an let 
others join in.

Perhaps I should mention now, that there will be a copy posted on the 
Furtherfield site for the world to view. So, if you say something that 
you regret or want spelling mistakes dealt, with let me know at the end 
of the interview process.

A reminder of some of Jeremy's work:
Terraform Dance Party:
VideoPaint 3.0:
Jeremy Bailey -

Reminder of the Exhibition:
Jeremy is currently on a residency at the HTTP gallery and his 
exhibition starts next Friday 7 - 9pm Fri 19th Sept, where he will 
perform 'WarMail' at 7.30. Incorporating live, audience participation; 
commissioned specially for the exhibition.

For more details of the exhibion:

OK - I better start getting my questions ready...

wishing all well.

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