It is important to always consider whether you are working as a part of a
group or part of a team.

Members of a team cannot succeed but through the collective performance of
everyone else on the team, so every team member has a motive to
support other team members in their efforts.  A team member who can reap a
greater reward by defecting from the team structure will do so.  Hence, the
success of the team must mean more than any personal success could mean.

A group member's status and reward, however, depend only upon his individual
performance.  In general, if he gives time or resources to another group
member there is no benefit in it for him beyond vaguely philosophical or
altruistic considerations.

When a group is identified to work on a project, the group defines whether
it should work as a team, sharing mutual accountability, or work as a group,
with individual accountability.

Team structures are generally not achievable within the framework of
clandestine operations beyond a certain level of informational resolution.
What this means in practice is that the individuals recruited to complete
various projects on the ground will not have sufficient information about
the nature of the project or it's goals or even who the other individuals
working on the project are to be able to function effectively as a team.
Moreover, individuals recruited to work on a project must be assumed to hold
mostly false beliefs about the nature of their participation.  Therefore, a
clandestine project will tend towards a modularized group structure, with
individual isolated cells establishing their own goals and priorities.  The
goals and priorities of the individual groups involved need not be
consistent with the overall goals of the Group Leader.  Instead, the actual
deliverables, i.e. the outcomes and milestones acheived by the invidual
cell, should be incentivized so as to bring about coherence with the project
in a general way.  The Group Leader, therefore, works primarily to
incentivize various outcomes to be acheived by individual cells without
trying to engage with the underlying motives, priorities, or goals of the
various groups involved.
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