please help us stress-test our streaming interface for the networked 
performance "make-shift".

today (15 november) at noon UK time, 1pm western europe
(find your local time here:

we need as many people as possible to access the streams at the same 
time; please click on the link below and leave it open for half an hour; 
if you have time, you can chat to us in the interface to let us know 
whether you experience lag or any other problems.

the streams should load automatically. if they don't, please press the 
play button in each of the web cam windows. the test will last for 
approximately half an hour.

we're aiming for 100 people online - please help us by clicking on the 
interface link at noon UK time TODAY, and pass this email on to anyone 
else who might be able to help swell the numbers.

more information about "make-shift" is available at

thank you very much in advance!

h : )


helen varley jamieson: creative catalyst

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