nah. i got over it. i hope you're site passed w/ flying colors.

On 11/16/2010 10:14 AM, helen varley jamieson wrote:
> haha - did you click or not??
> we are doing another stress test in the morning, maybe you can join then
> - i'm sending the email now.
> h : )
> On 16/11/10 5:11 AM, Roboslob wrote:
>> i'm pretty stressed right now. should i go click it? damn technical
>> complications always fucking everything up. we will burn up the earth
>> but not before we eat the money. on a lighter note, we can run away,
>> circle the earth ad infinauseam, i just passed lance armstrong again,
>> i'm going to the moon! '69 rockets, never give up, bankrupt, corrupt,
>> or blow up. i guess it wasn't much lighter sorry. it's not easy
>> communicating with myself. code language is key, are you w/ me...
>> --double engendre b/w remix
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