Hi Helen, 
I specifically wanted to do netbehaviour, as I¹ve been hanging out here for
a while and I¹m interested in what it means to be here. It seems to be my
kind of hood in many ways, but as Annie, said, I¹m not really a neighbor,
I¹m not really in. (Which may be one very understandable  reason why no-one
but you has responded).
So, at the moment the call is extended to different [actual and potential]
neighbours as well. When I come to the point of actually visualising ³the²
neighbourhood, I¹ll need to make decisions. Will it be specifically this
one, Or, one made up of those who chose to respond? Then, what would that
mean? [Editing the neighbourhood! Letting it fail.]

 ­ but, it¹s interesting.
All best

From: helen varley jamieson <he...@creative-catalyst.com>
Reply-To: he...@creative-catalyst.com, NetBehaviour for networked
distributed creativity <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org>
Date: Sun, 01 May 2011 17:12:38 +0200
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Visualising the netbehaviour neighbours - and
the neighbourhood

   hi marianne,
 i'm curious about what neighbourhood you are aiming to visualise; in  the
email you sent to this list, you specified the netbehaviour  neighbourhood,
but on the web site where you're posting the  portraits, you don't mention
netbehaviour; it's an open invitation  to anyone who wants to be part of the
neighbourhood. in that sense,  the neighbourhood you're visualising will be
a new & different  one to the netbehaviour neighbourhood ... the
neighbourhood of  wherever your invitation has reached? (altho the
netbehviour  neighbourhood is indeed open to anyone who wants to be a part
of  it).
 neighbourhood is a really interesting concept to explore, since it's
changing so much at the moment. we don't choose our neighbours &  even if we
don't interact with them a lot they can have a huge  impact on our lives (&
us on them ... ).
 h : )
 On 30/04/11 5:06 PM, list|marianne wrote:
>  Re: [NetBehaviour] Visualising the netbehaviour neighbours  - and the
> neighbourhood  Hi Annie,
>  I appreciate your honesty very much, and think you¹ve hit the  nail ... The
> wish to see Œthe neighbours¹ came from realising  how I am not genuinely part
> of many of the online  networks I am part of. Those where I feel I¹m truly in,
> are  the ones where I know people, usually where I have met them in  the real
> world. The ones where I can put faces to names.
>  I have said a few words on this list before, but, yes, I¹m a  stranger ­ I am
> not really part of the neighbourhood at all!
>  I guess, in many ways and continuously (here, elsewhere, in  the real world),
> I¹m considering in what way I ought to, could  or should be part of the
> neighbourhood ­ or, the network of  neighbours. And if I would like to, how do
> I become part of  the neighbourhood? Do I post a lot, do I have to meet you in
> the real world, do I have to be introduced, do I need to prove  myself to you
> (if, then how)? Can I just show up and ask for  sugar? Can the cake be a way
> of saying hello? 
>  I¹m on the outside looking in. Curious, too, to hear other¹s  reaction to
> this ­ it brings up a lot of questions.
>  Best
>  m
> From: Annie  Abrahams <bram....@gmail.com> <mailto:bram....@gmail.com>
>  Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2011 14:10:10 +0200
>  To: l...@criticalm.org
>  Cc: netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org
>  Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Visualising the  netbehaviour neighbours - and
> the neighbourhood
>  love thy neighbour :)
>  Hi Marianne, yes that talk's to me :)
>  I am not sure if this can be done by asking me to make a vidéo  for you - can
> one compare your request to asking thy neighbour  for some sugar or flower
> when you run out of these just before  you want to prepare a cake?
>  I think I have diffculties to generously say "yes" to your  proposition,
> request because you never manifested yourself on  this list before - in a
> certain way you are still a stranger  for me, not yet part of the
> neighbourhood - I fond myself a  bit rude by saying this...
>  I wonder how others react to your request and what my reaction  tells about
> what netbehaviour is to me?
>  Yours
>  Annie
>  On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 6:45 PM, list|marianne  <l...@criticalm.org>
> <mailto:l...@criticalm.org>  wrote:
>> Hi  Annie,
>>  Fair enough.
>>  I¹m an artist (etc) - the etc is something I considered  adding to my
>> ³title² the other day as I was trying to  explain what it is I do ­ across
>> media, practices, teaching,  participatory projects, museums workshops ­ all
>> somehow part  of me being an artist, or done in a particular way because I
>> am an artist, or to make money. Sometimes I get confused,  I¹m often spread
>> too thinly.
>>  I used to work with net-art, but now mostly drawing,  animation, video.
>> However, networks, netart/new media,  technology (used for good and bad)
>> continues to interests  me, so, I¹m here ­ mostly lurking, on the
>> netbehaviour list  (as well as empyre) trying to keep up, stay informed, as
>> much as I can. 
>>  At the moment I¹m publishing a book on Repetition while also  doing an
>> online residency with rules and regs
>> http://www.rulesandregs.org/digital11.html  (spread thinly indeed, but not
>> complaining). The latter has  imposed rules on me, which is interesting and
>> difficult,  forcing me to reconsider my practice (I guess this is why
>> residencies are good, and why mixing with those that don¹t  do exactly as
>> you, is good as well!). So to follow the  rules, ³love thy neighbour² is one,
>> I am trying to find out  who my neighbours are. The way I know how to do
>> this, is to  look ­ and listen. Hence the request for video portraits ­  it
>> may be a big ask? What do you think?
>>   (For someone who feels most comfortable being anonymous, I  sure said a
>> lot! )
>>  All best
>>  marianne 
>> From: Annie  Abrahams <bram.org <http://bram.org>  @gmail.com
>> <http://gmail.com> >
>>  Reply-To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed  creativity
>> <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org> <mailto:netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org>
>>  Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 18:01:36 +0200
>>  To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed  creativity
>> <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org> <mailto:netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org>
>>  Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Visualising the  netbehaviour neighbours - and
>> the neighbourhood
>>  Hello Marianne, please tell me a bit more about who you are  first.
>>  Yours
>>  Annie
>>  On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 5:03 PM, list|marianne  <l...@criticalm.org>
>> <mailto:l...@criticalm.org>  wrote:
>>> Dear  all,
>>>  I'm trying to visualise different online networks.  Considering online
>>> networks as neigbourhoods where people  congregate around
>>> ideology/interests/beliefs rather than  through physical proximity,
>>> netbehaviour easily becomes a  neighbourhood.
>>>  I'm in this neighbourhood ­ I like it. I have met a few of  you in real
>>> life, but mostly know you just by name (and  sometimes surprised by how
>>> knowing by name make me believe  I know in person). The truth is, I don't
>>> know most of my  online neighbours, I can¹t put a face to the name.
>>>  So, in an attempt to visualise the neighbourhood -  I'm  collecting video
>>> portraits from those I know, and those I  connect to but don't yet know. I
>>> will share the  accumulated neighbourhood portrait  online.
>>>  I¹m extending the invitation to all. So, if you want to be  part of it -
>>> will you send me a video portrait of  yourself? 15-20 seconds. Using this
>>> excellent picture as a  guide
>>>  (main point: plain background, make sure lighting is good,  keep camera
>>> still, look into camera).
>>>  YOU DON²T NEED TO LOOK SERIOUS - YOU CAN SMILE, and you  can be a little
>>> creative, sit down, head in hand, etc.
>>>  If you want to be in, but not in, turn your back to the  camera, make a
>>> video portrait of your chair, your desk,  your window...
>>>  For online purposes final size will probably be 640x so  phone camera
>>> should be fine. I can convert most formats.
>>>  Email to me at this address or, if file is more than 10mb,  use yousendit
>>> https://www.yousendit.com/ or similar.
>>>  I¹ll love to have you in the neighbourhood!
>>>  (billions of alternatives for visualising the  neighbourhood does exist so
>>> if you have something to say,  tell me)
>>>  Best 
>>>  Marianne
>>>  _______________________________________________
>>>  NetBehaviour mailing list
>>>  NetBehaviour@netbehaviour.org
>>>  http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour
>>  -- 
>>  30-04  21h30 9.30 PM Paris time Theme Song  Revisited  (After Acconci)
>> webperformance 5 min Plus /  more info
>> http://aabrahams.wordpress.com/2011/04/25/after-acconci/
>>  07 05 2011 Une caresse intercontinentale / An  intercontinental caress
>> Fabrice Métais (New York) Annie  Abrahams (Paris)
>> http://aabrahams.wordpress.com/2011/04/19/une-caresse-intercontinentale/
>>   <http://vimeo.com/22335939>
>> _______________________________________________
>>  NetBehaviour mailing list
>>  NetBehaviour@netbehaviour.org
>>  http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour
>>  _______________________________________________
>>  NetBehaviour mailing list
>>  NetBehaviour@netbehaviour.org
>>  http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour
>  -- 
>  30-04  21h30 9.30 PM Paris time Theme Song  Revisited  (After Acconci)
> webperformance 5 min Plus /  more info
> http://aabrahams.wordpress.com/2011/04/25/after-acconci/
>  07 05 2011 Une caresse intercontinentale / An intercontinental  caress
> Fabrice Métais (New York) Annie Abrahams (Paris)
> http://aabrahams.wordpress.com/2011/04/19/une-caresse-intercontinentale/
>   <http://vimeo.com/22335939>
> _______________________________________________
> NetBehaviour mailing list
> NetBehaviour@netbehaviour.org
> http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour

helen varley jamieson: creative catalyst

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