On 11/03/14 05:56 PM, Rob Myers wrote:
> On 11/03/14 09:54 AM, dave miller wrote:
>> http://www.thebookseller.com/news/science-museum-display-james-novel.html
>> "An electronic version of Peter James’ 1993 novel /Host/, which was
>> published on two floppy discs, is to go on display in London’s Science
>> Museum as the world’s first electronic novel.
> Almost certainly not:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judy_Malloy
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afternoon,_a_story
> First electronic novel by a dead tree publisher? No:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expanded_Books

There's also the first "Library Of The Future" disk for the Data Discman
from 1991:


I burnt a disk for the Discman the other year with some Cory Doctorow
novels on. It's a shame there are no Russian sites with William Gibson
novels texts, otherwise I'd have used those as well.

> First *original* electronic novel by a dead tree publisher?

- Rob.

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