I'm not the sort of person to take a gamble on anything related to finances
but now that I live and work in Westchester county, NY and Greenwich, CT
(where most of the high-ranked Manhattan bankers and investors live) this
strangely evolving world of finance has injected itself into my personal
space. Almost every person I meet here works "in finance" (which probably
means multiple things but that's what they all say). Since I started
digging into bitcoin I've been asking some of these people what they think
about it. I've been surprised to discover that, very often, they get angry!
Saying things like, It can't work, it has to be a scam, there's nothing of
value behind it, "I would short the fuck out of that shit" (that's a direct
quote). But what I've found particularly interesting is that they don't
seem to grasp it's significance. They're trying to fit it into their
understood model of finances and financial transactions and are overlooking
the fact that it's an entirely new and different approach to all that. It
reminds me a lot of traditional media's misdiagnosis on the potential (now,
actual) impact of the World Wide Web back in the day. I'm not convinced
that "bitcoin" itself is going to become something significant but the
technology behind it is going to drastically change the world of finance.
Mark my words!

All that being said, I agree, my primary fascination is with the flow of
information and the nature of the information. The fact that this data
actually represents humans buying and selling. It is the true heartbeat of
capitalism in real time.

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 9:33 PM, Rob Myers <r...@robmyers.org> wrote:

> On 18/03/15 05:37 PM, Pall Thayer wrote:
> > It's been especially interesting today. Lots of big transactions going
> > on which are surely related to the fall in value and the new theft
> incident.
> I find the flow of information hypnotic. I'm not a trader, I lack the
> soi disant killer instinct.
> https://bitcoinwisdom.com/markets/coinbase/btcusd
> > Not sure who's cat this is. Using internet based currency info to paint
> > a cat just made sense.
> +1
> - Rob.
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