anyone care to speculate on how crypto-contracts will change
blockchain technology?
whatever affect bitcoin-style currencies have on finance,
it seems that crypto-contracts will have the same affect on industry.

Rob has sent out a bunch of links about it.
this stuff still has my head spinning:


On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 9:01 PM, Pall Thayer <> wrote:
> I'm not the sort of person to take a gamble on anything related to finances
> but now that I live and work in Westchester county, NY and Greenwich, CT
> (where most of the high-ranked Manhattan bankers and investors live) this
> strangely evolving world of finance has injected itself into my personal
> space. Almost every person I meet here works "in finance" (which probably
> means multiple things but that's what they all say). Since I started digging
> into bitcoin I've been asking some of these people what they think about it.
> I've been surprised to discover that, very often, they get angry! Saying
> things like, It can't work, it has to be a scam, there's nothing of value
> behind it, "I would short the fuck out of that shit" (that's a direct
> quote). But what I've found particularly interesting is that they don't seem
> to grasp it's significance. They're trying to fit it into their understood
> model of finances and financial transactions and are overlooking the fact
> that it's an entirely new and different approach to all that. It reminds me
> a lot of traditional media's misdiagnosis on the potential (now, actual)
> impact of the World Wide Web back in the day. I'm not convinced that
> "bitcoin" itself is going to become something significant but the technology
> behind it is going to drastically change the world of finance. Mark my
> words!
> All that being said, I agree, my primary fascination is with the flow of
> information and the nature of the information. The fact that this data
> actually represents humans buying and selling. It is the true heartbeat of
> capitalism in real time.
> On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 9:33 PM, Rob Myers <> wrote:
>> On 18/03/15 05:37 PM, Pall Thayer wrote:
>> > It's been especially interesting today. Lots of big transactions going
>> > on which are surely related to the fall in value and the new theft
>> > incident.
>> I find the flow of information hypnotic. I'm not a trader, I lack the
>> soi disant killer instinct.
>> > Not sure who's cat this is. Using internet based currency info to paint
>> > a cat just made sense.
>> +1
>> - Rob.
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