Preview: Friday, 8 April 2016, 7-9 PM
Exhibition: 9 April - 4 June 2016


Driessens & Verstappen, NL
LAb[au], BE
Manfred Mohr, USA - D
Frieder Nake, D
Casey Reas, USA
Sommerer & Mignonneau, AT/F
Roman Verostko, USA

The exhibition `Code + Poetry´ refers to an aspect of coding, which has
been mostly neglected so far - the relationship between the written program
and its execution as an artwork on the screen.

Since the 1960s the term `Concrete Poetry´ is a recurring topic. It is not
a coincidence that the influential philosopher Max Bense plays an important
role. His research on the aesthetics of digital art is significant as it
shows, that coding can be viewed as `Concrete Poetry´.

The group exhibition at DAM Gallery displays international artists and puts
the written code into dialogue with the executed software. The software
manifests itself as an interactive installation, as a kinetic sculpture or
as endless developing software art on a screen.
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