Regarding poetry and Acceleration, here's an interview with Amy Ireland
about Xenopoetry (via Nick Land) -
On Thu, 21 Apr 2016, at 08:16 AM, Paul Hertz wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Paul Hertz and I am a hodge-podge of contradictory and half-
> ass[ed|imilated] philosophical viewpoints. There serve me well for
> making art, but less so for staking out any sort of theoretical terra
> firma. Given a choice, I would prefer islands to continents and
> slowing down to accelerating (an issue Virilio discusses in some
> depth). I might also prefer to set my path through the thicket of
> theory by tracking poets rather than philosophers. Assemble the tropes
> and consistency be damned!
> -- Paul
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