ngo for new media

alexandra reill

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Am 31.05.2016 um 19:43 schrieb xDxD.vs.xDxD <xdxd.vs.x...@gmail.com>:

> Dear Friends,
> sorry for cross-posting.
> some time has passed since, in 2012, we launched the "La Cura" project when I 
> was diagnosed with a brain cancer. The action turned out to become an 
> emergent, worldwide participatory performance aimed at redefining the word 
> "cure", bringing it out of hospitals, administrations, bureaucracies and the 
> ingenuities of e-health approaches, and bringing it back into society.
> Thousands participated (also many of you all, for which I thank you).
> We were all able to draw upon the rich culture of biopolitics, 
> antipsychiatry, feminism and gender studies to collectively build an active 
> reflection to confront with the separation, encoding, privatisation, access 
> and inequalities of current medical approaches, putting in place new models 
> and patterns in which health is a commons built upon an high-quality 
> relational environment which is inclusive, accessible, caring, cooperative.
> Dozens of publications have been produced, and thousands of artworks, texts, 
> poems, images, videos, artistic performances, articles on major news 
> headlines, and more, establishing a wide, active, trans-disciplinary action 
> which connected arts, design, sciences, humanities and the everyday life of 
> thousands of people in the search and enactment of new ways in which to 
> "cure" by considering people's health something which we all can actively 
> participate to, using everything from advanced technologies, knowledge, 
> relations, presence and hugs ;)
> All of this has enormous implications on the economies and power-schemes of 
> health. In the age of data, quantified self and of hyperconnectivity, this is 
> also a metaphor for processes which can happen elsewhere in society, to 
> confront with complex issues such as education, energy, finance, labour, and 
> more.
> To continue the process, we have transformed "La Cura" into a book:
> http://www.artisopensource.net/items/la-cura-the-book/
> The book, for now, is only in Italian, and we're trying to get it translated 
> in other languages, as well (and please do propose if you want to collaborate 
> to the translation: it would be a great help)
> In the objective of the participative performance, the book also has a strong 
> online presence built through the fact that we're collaboratively designing 
> the ways in which this type of action could be replicated in many other forms 
> and in relation to multiple other domains.
> We're working with schools, universities, student groups, rural communities, 
> citizen groups, activists, children, elderly and, well, many other types of 
> people. In Italy, for now, but we are starting the process of momentum 
> building so that all of these efforts can lead to international, 
> interconnected results which we can all work with to provoke impact and 
> change.
> Here are just three of the many initiatives which are already going on:
> http://www.artisopensource.net/2016/05/09/the-encounter-of-two-books-in-trieste-from-mental-asylums-to-la-cura/
> http://www.artisopensource.net/2016/04/23/la-cura-erbe-indisciplinate-the-report-from-the-workshop-at-ruralhub/
> http://www.artisopensource.net/2016/05/04/la-cura-and-the-festival-of-creativity-in-ariccia-to-study-the-biopolitics-of-interfaces/
> We've started from education. In the knowledge ("Conoscienza") section of the 
> website (http://www.la-cura.it) we are assembling the materials for the 
> education program which is being contributed by all participants to the 
> action. We currently have materials on interface politics; biopolitics; food; 
> energy; data; privacy; autobiography; self-representation; building 
> collaborative knowledge-bases; handling large-scale emergent p2p 
> communication processes; fighting cancer while maintaining autonomy, dignity 
> and self-determination; social networks strategy for activists; filter 
> bubbles; the evolution of medicine; information overload and health; open 
> data and medicine; open science; the implications of algorithmic patients. 
> And some more.
> All the materials and knowledge are currently hosted on GitHub (you can go to 
> the links from the website), as we're setting up alternatives which can be 
> more independent, sharable, replicable, and free.
> Why am I telling you all of this?
> For a number of reasons. The first of which is a call for participation.
> First: there are many of you on the list who do things which would be of 
> fundamental importance for the process.
> We ask you all: if all of this resonanates whith what you do and care about, 
> please get in touch! We will find a way to do things together.
> Second: let's figure out how to create momentum internationally. We are 
> working on translations (of the book, of the knowledge base, of the workshops 
> materials, of the software tools... ), and on getting people, organisations, 
> schools, universities, institutions, governments involved, in Europe and in 
> the rest of the world. There are no fixed models for this: we get in touch 
> and create something meaningful together, then we make it happen and release 
> the knowledge so that if it is useful of helpful for other people they can 
> repurpose, reuse, expand, change it as they please, as long as they share the 
> knowledge and tools in these accessible ways.
> If you are interested in creating any of the workshops, in creating one, in 
> creating some other kind of action: please, get in touch!
> Third: a festival in Bologna.
> An incredible thing is happening: a 3 day festival is forming practically 
> autonomously in Bologna on La Cura, and it will take place on July 8-10.
> When we decided to do a little participatory reading marathon of the La Cura 
> book in Bologna and we got in touch with the city administration and with 
> some of the local organisations to make it happen, momentum started building 
> up autonomously, so much that everything has grown into a full-blown festival 
> lasting 3 full days and which is gathering contributions in ways which are 
> completely emergent.
> This is truly a thing of beauty for us, as we don't have any control on it, 
> and we're just welcoming people in to make sure that their proposals fit into 
> the objectives and values of La Cura. A city based committee has formed for 
> this process, and this as well is an open collaboration, so that anyone is 
> welcome there, too.
> So, if you want to join in to that, as well, please do and get in touch.
> And, Fourth: a summer school.
> We have reached an agreement with Milan's Design Triennale and with the 
> "Condividi la Conoscenza" event to host an artistic production which will 
> reflect upon the idea of a "new sensibility": the possibility to imagine a 
> new sense, along Gregory Bateson's idea of art as that process which creates 
> the aesthetics, the sense of beauty, for what "interconnects", for 
> "difference". We will create the artwork collaboratively in a summer school 
> in Florence, with the collaboration of ISIA Design, the design university 
> where we teach, and the result will be exhibited in downtown Milan at the 
> Triennale's locations.
> More info about this will follow soon, but if you're interested already feel 
> free to get in touch.
> That's a lot of things: sorry for the long message.
> I hope this finds your interest and that you will consider participating in 
> any form you can.
> All the best to you all!
> Salvatore
> -- 
> [MUTATION] Art is Open Source -  http://www.artisopensource.net
> [CITIES] Human Ecosystems Ltd - http://human-ecosystems.com
> [NEAR FUTURE DESIGN] Nefula Ltd - http://www.nefula.com
> [RIGHTS] Ubiquitous Commons - http://www.ubiquitouscommons.org
> ---
> Professor of Near Future and Transmedia Design at ISIA Design Florence: 
> http://www.isiadesign.fi.it/
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