Hi Ezequiel,

On 19-Feb-2015 18:40:31, Ezequiel Reyes Aragon wrote:
searched the net and found that prosody works well with lua 5.1 but fails with lua 5.2, I don't understand why netbsd's prosody binary is depedent on a lua version that will not let it run.

Can't help specifically with a Jabber server, but I have noticed that pkgsrc often has blanket updates for dependencies such as Perl and Lua, etc. So anything that requires Lua will get updated to require the latest version, etc. And this then determines how the binaries are built.

I had a similar issue with Elinks which says it requires 5.2, but the lua integration only works with 5.1. To solve this problem I set LUA_VERSION_DEFAULT=51 in mk.conf and then built it from source.

However, saying all that, on pkgsrc it says prosody now requires lua51. Looks like some kind of fix was made in mid 2014. Perhaps the binaries were built before then?

Could you try building from source?

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