Hi all.

I have an old celeron running NetBSD i386 which runs very nicely thankyou. (:

But to save wasting time I'd like to compile pkgsrc programs on a fast, 
multicore Linux machine. This machine runs debian (9/x86_64).

Following https://wiki.netbsd.org/tutorials/pkgsrc/cross_compile_distcc/, I 
installed gcc g++ zlib1g-dev and ncurses-base on my debian machine, and 
downloaded the NetBSD sources

 # cd /root/netbsd-distcc
 # cvs -d anon...@anoncvs.netbsd.org:/cvsroot co -rnetbsd-7-1-RELEASE src

Ran the build script

 # cd src
 # ./build.sh -m i386 tools

This left me with /root/netbsd-distcc/src/obj/tooldir.Linux-4.9.0-3-amd64-x86_64

I then installed distcc, and because systemd failed miserably in starting it 
up, wrote a little script to do that for me:

  distccd --allow a.b.c.d --nice 5 --jobs 7 --stats 

Setup the firewall, fired up distcc on Linux. Ok.

Then I went to the NetBSD machine (i386 7.1), installed distcc from pkgsrc, and 
edited /etc/mk.conf to include this:

  PKGSRC_COMPILER=ccache distcc gcc

I tried to compile rxvt in the first instance, but it fails while trying to 
build ccache with

  main.o: file not recognized: File format not recognized
  distcc[7918] ERROR: compile (null) on localhost failed

I can see the builds coming into my debian machine, the logs look like this:

 distccd[31676] (dcc_job_summary) client: a.b.c.d:65411 COMPILE_OK exit:0 sig:0 
core:0 ret:0 time:146ms gcc compopt.c

I'm almost there I can feel it in my bones. Apologies for the long post but I'm 
trying not to miss anything important. Does anyone have any ideas which steps I 
may have missed or done wrong?

Thanks for any pointers

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