On Fri, 7 Jul 2017, John Halfpenny wrote:
Just an update for posterity that I resolved this issue.

Interesting. The wrapper script idea reminds me of another question about distcc and friends. I've noticed that some packages complain with great aggrevation about my use of "make -jX" where X=CPUs.

The question is, since folks make heavy use of distcc, does it have the same limitations and when you hit a compilation error related to a parallel compiler run, is that how the "dont-use-parallel-make" warnings get there, or are the mechanics of 'make -j8' and distcc so different that errors in one doesn't mean problems with the other?

The reason I'm asking is occasionally I'd use distcc to get a few of my faster NetBSD boxes compiling things like QT or Firefox in something less than 60 minutes. It's just that I've never set it up because of the many failures I've had trying to use make -j ...


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