Is there a way of identifying the file that's affected from the fsbn?
Because it's the boot partition and the server is far away I need to
be sure the machine will come up in multi-user mode if I have to

Steve Blinkhorn <>

You wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 05:35:07PM +0000, Steve Blinkhorn wrote:
> > I have discovered a problem on a live server (i386) I run - this 
> > is filling up /var/log/messages so that it has turned over more than
> > 10 times today.
> > 
> > The message:
> > 
> > Sep  5 16:56:49 trafalgar /netbsd: wd0a: error reading fsbn 1005056 of 
> > 1005056-1005087 (wd0 bn 1005119; cn 997 tn 2 sn 17), retrying
> > Sep  5 16:56:49 trafalgar /netbsd: wd0: (uncorrectable data error)
> > 
> > The fsbn is mostly 1005056 but sometimes 1005086.
> > 
> > Server response time is impacted.
> > 
> > I've never had, so never tackled, this kind of issue before.   Advice
> > much appreciated.
> 1) backup your data ;-)
> 2) check the drive's SMART status with atactl smart status
> 3) try to write to the affected sectors, that usually will cause the drive
>    to remap it (if it still has spares available)
> Martin

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