On Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 06:05:08PM +0000, Steve Blinkhorn wrote:
> Is there a way of identifying the file that's affected from the fsbn?
> Because it's the boot partition and the server is far away I need to
> be sure the machine will come up in multi-user mode if I have to
> reboot.

I have found that "tar cvf /dev/null /affected/fs" can identify the
file, tar will print out a "cannot read blah blah blah" for the file
with the dead sector in it.  Unlike in  your case, if this was an
isolated dead sector then removing the file should put the sector on the
free list and it would get rep;aced by a spare the next time it was
used.  In you case this is moot because the disk was on its way out.

Brett Lymn
Let go, or be dragged - Zen proverb.

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