On Sat, 14 Jul 2018, Robert Elz wrote:

>       env force_hostname=YES

Yes, that's the ticket.

I also needed to set "use-host-decl-names true;" in "dhcpcd.conf".  Some
netbooted hosts would get their hostname without this, but most would
not, ending up with "localhost".  The same hosts always got their hostname
when booting from local disk even with "use-host-decl-names false;"
(assumed to be the default case--dhcpd.conf(5) is not clear about this).

Otherwise 'option host-name "foo";' would be needed to explicitly set
the hostname for a netbooted client that did not receive it without the
option (or "use-host-decl-names true;").

> (or true) in /etc/dhcpcd.conf should make things work as desired.
> It would not hurt to also include
>       env hostname_fqdn=YES
> to force setting the FQDN, though that one should be the default if
> nothing else overrides it.

Not needed.

Thanks for the tips.

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