On 15/07/2018 12:16, Robert Elz wrote:
   | The only other concern I have with this is that if we have two
   | interfaces and dhcpcd receives the same short hostname on both but only
   | a domain on one of them, then the hostname will flip-flop between short
   | and long hostnames.

I'm not sure I see that (and in any case that kind of server mis-config
is likely to cause issues anyway) but I will accept your more experience
in this area.

And no, we would not want that.

   | This is probably unlikely, but is worth pointing out.

The way I see it, the best way of fixing this is to improve the in kernel dhcp client to set the fqdn using hostname + domain and control the default behaviour via sysctl (I do agree with kre that FQDN should be the default).

But have we considered an alternative? The in kernel DHCP client as I see it is just to handle network booting yes? Once userland is netmounted, dhcpcd can then take over? If so, does the kernel DHCP client even need to set the hostname? If not, we can remove that to make the kernel smaller.


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