On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 02:11:26PM -0700, Don NetBSD wrote:
> Yes, but what's the prompt BEFORE that (u-boot>)?  And, where do I
> find the capabilities, there, documented?

As someone else mentioned that is the Service Processor boot, it is a
cut down linux image, IIRC running on powerpc.  I doubt if you will find
much publically available information on the guts of the SP... even if
you have access to Oracle support, it is not something that Oracle
customers are meant to mess with.

> [I'm sure that a console won't let me into whatever OS is installed
> as I've no idea what the root password is likely to be]

Well, depending on what they have done it could be as easy as booting
from the CD and editing the password file.  If root is on zfs then there
is a little bit of a dance to get the root fs mounted but nothing
insurmountable.  If they have put a OFW password on the thing then it
will be a bit more challenging.

> BTW, examining some of the logs suggest it is (was?) running
> Solaris 5.10

That is feasible, Solaris 10 was supported by that platform.  Solaris 10
went end of service life at the end of 2017.

Brett Lymn
Let go, or be dragged - Zen proverb.

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