On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 06:53:51PM -0700, Don NetBSD wrote:
> On 11/17/2018 1:52 PM, Brett Lymn wrote:
> >On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 02:11:26PM -0700, Don NetBSD wrote:
> >>
> >>Yes, but what's the prompt BEFORE that (u-boot>)?  And, where do I
> >>find the capabilities, there, documented?
> >
> >As someone else mentioned that is the Service Processor boot, it is a
> >cut down linux image, IIRC running on powerpc.  I doubt if you will find
> >much publically available information on the guts of the SP... even if
> >you have access to Oracle support, it is not something that Oracle
> >customers are meant to mess with.
> No.  The prompt BEFORE the service processor starts Linux.

Yes, I know what you are talking about.  I deal with Sun/Oracle
equipment at $WORK.  I have seen that prompt.  I have never seen any
documentation as to what you can do there.  I would be surprised if
there is anything available at all outside Oracle - I think the attitude
is that the customers don't need to mess with the SP at all and should
be treated just as a firmware blob (which is, in fact, how the updates
are provided - a blov for the linux image plus OFW update)

Brett Lymn
Let go, or be dragged - Zen proverb.

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