On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 07:50:52AM +0100, Niels Dettenbach (Syndicat IT & 
Internet) wrote:
> We use EXIM since decades now from small satellite mailer setups to very 
> large ISP setups after migrated from sendmail and postfix as they brought our 
> hardware down in performance with heavy mail loads.
> EXIM is very (!) efficient - especially when build from sources the 
> "official" way (what is provided by pkgsrc by build options). This means you 
> just compile fucntionality / code into the binary what you really need.

Thanks a lot - a first hand account really helps.

In general searches on comparison between the two, most often claim
postfix to have better performance than exim (some qualify the statement
saying "for large queues" - which does not bother me for my use case, but
in your case you have seen it scaling well as well).

> The security footprint is very good.
> The config is very flexible but of consistent syntax (developed my a 
> mathematican - Phillip Hazel) - for me much more transparent then on postfix. 
> There are many of good examples and howtos out there which provide single 
> config files you could easily adapt and use. But you can split config files 
> too if you prefer that.

By profession I am a in programming languages researchers and have created
many DSLs in my career. I can say in light of whatever little experience
of inventing notations I have, postfix notation does not really sound
intuitive, particularly when the problem domain does not require it to be
that complex. I'll definitely give exim a try on this aspect.


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