> Subversion fails on two counts:

Subversion fails on 3 counts (for those keeping track, its so long I
forgot one):

> - it isn't ACID (I'm told that's the correct DB term)
> In subversion parallel pushes are magically merged, maybe.  For
> instance: developer #1's deletes a .h macro and developer #2 adds a .c
> use.  ACID guarantees that #1 XOR #2 wins, and the other gets to sort
> out the mess.
> - it doesn't have true branches
> Instead it has conventions; lots of conventions; and based on
> experience, projects end up discovering that developers have been
> following all of them

- it doesn't work offline
After all, you're always online; so what is the problem?  Well no, and
there's no good technical reason for imposing the requirement.

> Oh, and I now forget how many years it is since GCC,  a relatively
> small project, has being trying to migrate away from subversion.

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