Hi all,
System: NetBSD 8.0 amd64
Today I saw that the binaries from 2019Q1 were through. Fortunately, I've
decided to check the list of packages on-line before updating/upgrading my
system, as there are many packages missing. Enough to break my system, so
I've pointed my repositories.conf to 2018Q4 just to be on the safe side.
I use awesomewm, abiword, midori, pcmanfm,... all these are missing.
Does anyone knows what happened? I don't have hardware to be able to pull
all the packages I need through pkgsrc and rely heavily on the available
pre-compiled binaries. I can compile a few packages If needed, but nearly
the whole system its just not possible right now.
Thank you for any information you may provide.

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