Ended up simply ordering a Thinkpad T420 off eBay for $200. Better
specs than I currently have and well supported.

Thanks for all that gave me recommendations via this email, IRC, and

On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 08:59:09PM +0000, Chris Humphries wrote:
> Hello Hivemind,
> I'm shopping for a new laptop and would like to have a laptop with
> very good NetBSD support (ethernet and wireless networking works,
> graphics works using the graphics card in a non-generic way,
> suspend/resume works, trackpad).
> https://wiki.netbsd.org/laptops/ exists - but like many wiki pages,
> how current it is is questionable and may be rotten. Also, most of the
> laptops are very old.
> What is your laptop recommendation for running NetBSD bare-metal? 
> Thank you,
> Chris
> -- 
> Chris Humphries <ch...@sogubsys.com>
> 5223 9548 E1DE DE87 F509  1888 8141 8451 6338 DD29

Chris Humphries <ch...@sogubsys.com>
5223 9548 E1DE DE87 F509  1888 8141 8451 6338 DD29

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