On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 06:32:55PM -0400, Chris Humphries wrote:
> Mostly, it seems folks don't really run NetBSD on laptops, and if they
> do they're silent about it.

As a lot of other people, silent because my laptop is ~5 years old so
hardly helpful.  Most of my NetBSD is done on a fujitsu S904 lifebook, I
chose is for the combination of power and light weight.  It took quite a
while but my laptop is now well supported, built in wireless works,
intel drm works, suspend/resume works (though I have to do the console
switch dance to restore X after a sleep).

I multi-boot my laptop NetBSD/Linux/Windows 10 using uefi & grub2.

Sent from my NetBSD device.

"We are were wolves",
"You mean werewolves?",
"No we were wolves, now we are something else entirely",

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