I have seen similar.  The Xorg will spontaneously crash.  My trigger is

  Launch gnumeric (might crash from just this)
  Move around worksheet (or it might wait until this)
  Modify a cell (might survive until here)
  Switch to another worksheet (ad nauseum)

Sometimes it will survive its initial encounter with 'gnumeric', but
will crash much later.  As I use 'gnumeric' regularly, it's difficult
to test whether it will crash without that trigger.

The X server usually crashes with "SIGSEGV" (logged in Xorg.0.log.old),
but doesn't leave a core dump.  One time it got "SIGALARM" and left a
core dump.

The affected machine was likewise equipped with Intel integrated graphics
(G41) with the xf86-video-intel driver and SNA acceleration.  Up until
that point it had been rock solid.  I'd been suspecting hardware beginning
to fail, but your post would suggest otherwise.

It's been a couple of months since this started and I've switched to
an older, smaller, slower machine w/radeon video in the meantime.  I
couldn't afford having SSH sessions broken due to X crashing.

I think I've seen similar using -current with the xf86-video-intel-2014
driver (needed to get working SNA acceleration on my HW).  I don't recall
any changes to 8.1 that should have affected X-on-intel like this.

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]consolidated[flyspeck]net  OpenBSD            FreeBSD
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