On Tue 23 Jul 2019 at 07:48:59 -0500, John D. Baker wrote:
> The X server usually crashes with "SIGSEGV" (logged in Xorg.0.log.old),
> but doesn't leave a core dump.  One time it got "SIGALARM" and left a
> core dump.

What I did to catch it, was to ssh into the machine from another one,
and then run gdb -p <pid of X>, and (since it stops X) continue it.
You obviously can't do this from an xterm on the same X server but it
can probably work as well from a text console (well, if the switching to
the console works, I'm not 100% sure).

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- "What good is a Ring of Power
\X/ rhialto/at/falu.nl      -- if you're unable...to Speak." - Agent Elrond

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