On Fri, 3 Jul 2020 10:17:03 +0100
Mike Pumford <mpumf...@mudcovered.org.uk> wrote:

> There are many people that hate the fact that this level of
> development in a browser is possible but the is no denying its
> usefulness as its a cross system platform for writing applications
> that far outweighs anything else I've ever had access to. Its so
> powerful that you can actually incredibly common to build a web app,
> bundle it with a web rendering engine and ship it as a native app.

I wouldn't go that far in praising web browsers and the technology they
are built on. It's so clunky, bloated and buggy, it's not even funny.
On a daily basis, I'm forced to use crappy and slow web apps - agile
boards, code review boards, development wiki, bug reporting, etc. All of
them are just awful and laggy. Has anyone tried using VMWare vSphere
cloud app, it's too painful to describe the experience.

The current trend of moving native desktop applications to cloud and
web browsers, simply frustrates and infuriates me. Yes you could build
a house out of Weetabix, but that doesn't mean that you should.

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