On 03/07/2020 13:15, Sad Clouds wrote:
On Fri, 3 Jul 2020 10:17:03 +0100
Mike Pumford <mpumf...@mudcovered.org.uk> wrote:

I wouldn't go that far in praising web browsers and the technology they
are built on. It's so clunky, bloated and buggy, it's not even funny.
On a daily basis, I'm forced to use crappy and slow web apps - agile
boards, code review boards, development wiki, bug reporting, etc. All of
them are just awful and laggy. Has anyone tried using VMWare vSphere
cloud app, it's too painful to describe the experience.

I have some sympathy for that. Its possible to write bad code everywhere an web apps are a good example of that. There are an awful lot of really bad developers in that space.

Also I used the vSphere windows app and that was a painful experience as well so that's more down to vSphere than the platform as well ;)

That said it is entirely possible to write fast and useful applications that run in the browser and its far easier to reach across platforms that way than using a toolkit like GTK or Qt (which are your cross platform graphical alternatives).

The current trend of moving native desktop applications to cloud and
web browsers, simply frustrates and infuriates me. Yes you could build
a house out of Weetabix, but that doesn't mean that you should.

Done right there is no reason the app has to be either bloated or slow, that's down to the skill of the developer. So you are being put off by bad examples rather than a bad platform. Is it a perfect platform? No, but its not particularly worse than any other GUI framework I've used (which includes GTK, MFC and Win32). However you don't tend to see the REALLY BAD native apps as they never escape outside the organisation that wrote them most of the time. The really bad web apps escape all the time :(

If I'm honest I'd rather write an app that sources data from remote services in Typescript using a framework like Vue or Angular rather than attempt to do the same in Java, Rust, C or C++ and I say that as someone with 15+ years of C, C++ experience. Its a different picture if you only support 1 platform and if you don't have to do any sort of remote data gathering or control.


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