Hello Bob,

Bob Proulx writes:
> [...]
> Looking at that page now I find that the netbsd-announce link is
> missing a path part in the href url.
>   <a href="//www.NetBSD.org/#netbsd-announce">netbsd-announce</a>
> While it appears from the other two working links next to it that the
> intent was that it should be this.
>   <a href="//www.NetBSD.org/mailinglists/#netbsd-announce">netbsd-announce</a>
> Could some kind soul with wiki change access priviledges double check
> my poor typing transcription here and then correct that link?
> Thanks! :-)
> [...]

Nice catch, thank you very much for noticing and sharing it!

I have just committed the fix as you have suggested!

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