On 22.11.2020 23:50, ts1000 wrote:
Thank you.

I noticed that when building openJDK11 there was an option to enable
'dtrace' support.
I thought that dtrace is not ktrace, so I did not enable it.
Should I first rebuild OpenJDK11 with dtrace support ?

Not needed for sure. Dtrace is just there in system

$ sudo dtrace -l | wc -l

and not so bad compared to OpenIndiana

$ sudo dtrace -l | wc -l │[19:37:58:322] [4591:00000002] [INFO][com.freerdp.client.x11] - Closed from X1

that stuff in OpenJDK can be additional support for probes and developers
or specific Java probes as mentioned here on FBSD


and here is related info too https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk-build/issues/1242

BTW it is a tool you have available on NetBSD, FreeBSDm OpenIndiana,
Illumos, SmartOS, Apple (Xcode/Instruments), Solaris 10,11 and probably
soon even on Windows


I found even some good material working even on Gradle, but not sure how
much of that is applicable here, still Java comes from Sun/Oracle as well
as Dtrace so not everything may be there


On 2020-11-22 19:47, Bodie wrote:
On 22.11.2020 06:56, ts1000 wrote:
unfortunately I am not yet able to figure out what's wrong.
I think there is something wrong with OpenJDK11 port for netbsd or
some OS feature that it relies on, does not work as JDK 11 expects.

I do not think there is a problem with Gradle, at all.

I have tried Gradle 6.7 and the old 5.4 and they both work with
OpenJDK8 on Netbsd 9.1
However, my source code needs at least OpenJDK11, so cannot use 8.

I also tried running under root, just to see if there was something
about permissions.. but no luck
I ran gradle with --no-daemon, no luck either.
I have rebuilt OpenJDK11 from pkgsrc, twice -- no luck
I have installed OpenJDK11 by pkgin from binary repo -- no luck.
I have changed my locale from C to UTF8 -- no luck.

I have been looking at the output of kdump/ktrace all day today.
Unfortunately I cannot spot anything that I could investigate further.
There are over 1mln lines  there just from  ' gradle status'.
Most are getttime calls, bunch of memory maps. Some timeouts, but I
see them not just at the end of ktrace when it hangs, but also early

So I am at loss at the moment.

DTrace for the victory I would say ;-)

Start with this one
That example for rw.d works just fine at least on NetBSD current (but
I think on 9.1 stable too)

Those system calls to lwp are covered by available providers:

$ sudo dtrace -l -P syscall | grep lwp
812 syscall _lwp_create entry 813 syscall _lwp_create return 814 syscall _lwp_exit entry 815 syscall _lwp_exit return 816 syscall _lwp_self entry 817 syscall _lwp_self return 818 syscall _lwp_wait entry 819 syscall _lwp_wait return 820 syscall _lwp_suspend entry 821 syscall _lwp_suspend return 822 syscall _lwp_continue entry 823 syscall _lwp_continue return 824 syscall _lwp_wakeup entry 825 syscall _lwp_wakeup return 826 syscall _lwp_getprivate entry 827 syscall _lwp_getprivate return 828 syscall _lwp_setprivate entry 829 syscall _lwp_setprivate return 830 syscall _lwp_kill entry 831 syscall _lwp_kill return 832 syscall _lwp_detach entry 833 syscall _lwp_detach return 834 syscall compat_50__lwp_park entry 835 syscall compat_50__lwp_park return 836 syscall _lwp_unpark entry 837 syscall _lwp_unpark return 838 syscall _lwp_unpark_all entry 839 syscall _lwp_unpark_all return 840 syscall _lwp_setname entry 841 syscall _lwp_setname return 842 syscall _lwp_getname entry 843 syscall _lwp_getname return 844 syscall _lwp_ctl entry 845 syscall _lwp_ctl return 1062 syscall compat_60__lwp_park entry 1063 syscall compat_60__lwp_park return 1150 syscall _lwp_park entry 1151 syscall _lwp_park return

With predicate like /errno = 60/ you can get for start at least how many times it happens during your run without modifying anything and soon you will learn way more how to get details which will be very usable in your
work anyway.

Sure you can somewhat get some of the results with ktrace/ktruss, but as
you saw digging out of those million lines is not exactly fun

On 2020-11-22 03:02, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:
I just ran into it independently on NetBSD/amd64 current 9.99.x.

On 20.11.2020 02:59, ts1000 wrote:
wanted to bump up my question to see if anybody could help.
Also, if I may, I wanted to ask if this group is the right question
about using NetBSD as a development environment (using OpenJDK11 in my case). Or if there are other forums more specialized for this topic.

thank you in advance

On 2020-11-07 18:08, ts1000 wrote:
Wanted to check if anybody has gradle working with OpenJDK 11 on
OpenBSD 9.1
I cannot get it to work at all.

not even:

gradle status
gradle init

I have tried going back to Gradle versions that are over 1 year old,
and still same issue


I am thinking that something might be wrong with my sysctl.conf or
login.conf or something else.
If there are suggestions on what to look for next, would very much

 -- my sysctl.conf --

nbsd1$ cat /etc/sysctl.conf
#!/sbin/sysctl -f
# $NetBSD: sysctl.conf,v 1.8 2011/09/25 21:47:22 christos Exp $
# sysctl(8) variables to set at boot time.

# Default on panic: dump core and reboot. See savecore(8) for
# Switch this to 1 if you want to enter the kernel debugger on crashes # instead. See ddb(4) for an introduction and also try the "help" command
# at the db> prompt.
# If you understand the implication and want to change the behaviour
# /etc/rc.d/sysctl is run, use the kernel option DDB_ONPANIC, see

# Default core name template:

# Number of kernel threads to use for NFS client

# Default tty/pty character queue sizes. Should be bumped to 32K or so if
# used in networking (ppp/pppoe)






#this is invalid    net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen = 4096

kern.maxfiles = 100000
kern.maxproc = 10044
kern.posix.semmax = 10128

 -- my login .conf --

        :path=/usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin /usr/X11R7/bin
/usr/pkg/bin /usr/pkg/sbin /usr/local/bin:\

 -- ulimit -a --

time          (-t seconds    ) unlimited
file          (-f blocks     ) unlimited
data          (-d kbytes     ) 1048576
stack         (-s kbytes     ) 114688
coredump      (-c blocks     ) unlimited
memory        (-m kbytes     ) 8022248
locked memory (-l kbytes     ) 2674082
thread        (-r threads    ) 1024
process       (-p processes  ) 1024
nofiles       (-n descriptors) 512
vmemory       (-v kbytes     ) unlimited
sbsize        (-b bytes      ) unlimited

-- java -version --
$ java -version
openjdk version "11.0.8-internal" 2020-07-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build
11.0.8-internal+0-adhoc.pkgsrc.openjdk-jdk11u-jdk-11.0.8-10-1, mixed

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