Sorry meant NetBSD9.1  not NetBSD9.2

On 2021-01-11 19:16, ts1000 wrote:
FYI, if somebody is still interested in the openjdk11+gradle conundrum
I retested today: OpenJDK11+Gradle still, unfortunately, does not work
on NetBSD9.1 with most reset package release Q4-2020

On 2020-11-20 01:59, ts1000 wrote:
wanted to bump up my question to see if anybody could help.
Also, if I may, I wanted to ask if this group is the right question
about using NetBSD as a development environment (using OpenJDK11 in my
case). Or if there are other forums more specialized for this topic.

thank you in advance

On 2020-11-07 18:08, ts1000 wrote:
Wanted to check if anybody has gradle working with OpenJDK 11 on OpenBSD 9.1
I cannot get it to work at all.

not even:

gradle status
gradle init

I have tried going back to Gradle versions that are over 1 year old,
and still same issue

[........... ]

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