Am Montag 28 November 2005 23:13 schrieb Thomas Graf:

> Looks good, it would be nice if you could separate the vlan part as a
> separate patch for later on though.

This will happen when I submit the final patch for kernel inclusion.

> The effort is nice but why do we need sysfs? Isn't netlink enough for
> you?

Well, there are already a *lot* of device attributes in sysfs (just ls 
-l /sys/class/net/eth0 f.e.), so it seems politically correct to add mine, 
too ;-)

> > +#define IFF_CARRIER        0x10000         /* driver signals carrier       
> > */
> > +#define IFF_DORMANT        0x20000         /* driver signals dormant       
> > */
> I would favour another name for IFF_CARRIER such as IFF_LOWERLAYER or
> something like that so we can use it to define it to be the status of
> the lower layer in general not just of underlying hardware media.

OTOH this naming is consistent to the names of the 

> Why don't we use this to represent the hardware not being present?

Currently, a netdevice that is not present is removed due to the way the 
device model works, so I just omitted the code for it. I can add it though.

> I did like your way of leaving gaps to ease inserting new states.

But not needed anymore since I dropped the higher/lower comparisons against 

> Nice idea although I think it's not needed. I disagree with adding a new
> feature flag just to please an RFC which is obviously incomplete in this
> regard. The purpose of LOWERLAYERDOWN proposed by the RFC is correct but
> it can easly be extended to include the hardware carrier without violating
> any rules. LOWERLAYERDOWN is a refinement of DOWN so all stacking rules
> will continue to work.

I must admit that I interpret the RFC differently here. But the question 
remains, do we want to differ between LOWERLAYERDOWN and DOWN. Jamal, your 

Too bad that I had to drop the device specific oper_state() method, it would 
have avoided that flag ;-)

> > +   unsigned char           operstate; /* RFC2863 operstate */
> Why do we have to store the operstate?

userspace interaction below.

> > +   unsigned char           link_mode; /* mapping policy to operstate */
> We can't use flags for this? Do we really need a new field just to
> mark an interface to go dormant?

I'd ask the other way: Will we need further link modes in the future? Not 
sure, but willing to sacrifice a byte for it that would be alignment 

> > +void vlan_transfer_operstate(const struct net_device *dev, struct
> [...]
> Dormant state should be handled before announcing the carrier or
> UP state is leaked for a moment.

Will fix, even though it runs in process context under RTNL, locking out 

> > +   vlan_transfer_operstate(VLAN_DEV_INFO(dev)->real_dev, dev);
> > +   linkwatch_fire_event(dev); /* force event to setup operstate */
> Shouldn't this be handled by vlan_transfer_operstate() already?

Not if carrier flag or operstate of the underlying device changes while the 
VLAN device is admin down. I'll check of I can solve it by calling 
rfc2863_policy() outside of if (dev->flags & IFF_UP).

> > +static void set_operstate(struct net_device *dev, unsigned char
> > transition) { +     unsigned char operstate = dev->operstate;
> [...]
> Now this is really racy.

Why? We have RTNL, so no other writer preparing for an update will interfere. 
Before doing the actual write, we get dev_base_lock, locking out pure 
readers, too. I can't see how this is racy.

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