Ben Greear wrote:
Patrick McHardy wrote:

That comes from iproute itself, but the missing LOWER-UP flag
indicates it and that should be enough for bridging and bonding.
I'm unsure about this though since its still a big difference in
userspace visible behaviour, people might just as well manually
configure failover once routing disappears or the device goes down,
or just have routing fall through to different routes. All this
wouldn't work anymore.

Maybe we can make this optional somehow without too much uglyness?

I'm fine with that..we can just add a new vlan-device flag similar to the
reorder-header flag.

An alternative to this would be something like Julian Anastasov static routes patch. Not sure if it has ever been considered for merging, but its a cleaner
way than doing per-device hacks.

With the current code, on 'UP' of the underlying
code, all of the VLANs will also go UP, even if the user had previously
put them DOWN.  That seems like it could be quite dangerous/unexpected
to me..but I guess it's required if we are going to automatically DOWN them...

Yeah, I too never liked this behaviour.

One other thought:  Maybe we could tell a small lie and say that we have
NO-CARRIER on the VLAN when the underlying device is down OR has no carrier?

That way we keep normal link up/down semantics w/out having to change the
admin state of the VLANs...

Thats pretty much what the operstate is doing, it should go to
IF_OPER_LOWERLAYERDOWN when the lower device is down. But as I
said above, people could actually rely on routes disappearing.

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