Bruce Allen wrote:
> Hi Auke,
>>>>> Important note: we ARE able to get full duplex wire speed (over 900
>>>>> Mb/s simulaneously in both directions) using UDP.  The problems occur
>>>>> only with TCP connections.
>>>> That eliminates bus bandwidth issues, probably, but small packets take
>>>> up a lot of extra descriptors, bus bandwidth, CPU, and cache resources.
>>> I see.  Your concern is the extra ACK packets associated with TCP.  Even
>>> those these represent a small volume of data (around 5% with MTU=1500,
>>> and less at larger MTU) they double the number of packets that must be
>>> handled by the system compared to UDP transmission at the same data
>>> rate. Is that correct?
>> A lot of people tend to forget that the pci-express bus has enough
>> bandwidth on first glance - 2.5gbit/sec for 1gbit of traffix, but
>> apart from data going over it there is significant overhead going on:
>> each packet requires transmit, cleanup and buffer transactions, and
>> there are many irq register clears per second (slow ioread/writes).
>> The transactions double for TCP ack processing, and this all
>> accumulates and starts to introduce latency, higher cpu utilization
>> etc...
> Based on the discussion in this thread, I am inclined to believe that
> lack of PCI-e bus bandwidth is NOT the issue.  The theory is that the
> extra packet handling associated with TCP acknowledgements are pushing
> the PCI-e x1 bus past its limits.  However the evidence seems to show
> otherwise:
> (1) Bill Fink has reported the same problem on a NIC with a 133 MHz
> 64-bit PCI connection.  That connection can transfer data at 8Gb/s.

That was even a PCI-X connection, which is known to have extremely good latency
numbers, IIRC better than PCI-e? (?) which could account for a lot of the
latency-induced lower performance...

also, 82573's are _not_ a serverpart and were not designed for this usage. 
are and that really does make a difference. 82573's are full of power savings
features and all that does make a difference even with some of them turned off.
It's not for nothing that these 82573's are used in a ton of laptops like from
toshiba, lenovo etc.... A lot of this has to do with the cards internal clock
timings as usual.

So, you'd really have to compare the 82546 to a 82571 card to be fair. You get
what you pay for so to speak.

> (2) If the theory is right, then doubling the MTU from 1500 to 3000
> should have significantly reduce the problem, since it drops the number
> of ACK's by two.  Similarly, going from MTU 1500 to MTU 9000 should
> reduce the number of ACK's by a factor of six, practically eliminating
> the problem. But changing the MTU size does not help.
> (3) The interrupt counts are quite reasonable.  Broadcom NICs without
> interrupt aggregation generate an order of magnitude more irq/s and this
> doesn't prevent wire speed performance there.
> (4) The CPUs on the system are largely idle.  There are plenty of
> computing resources available.
> (5) I don't think that the overhead will increase the bandwidth needed
> by more than a factor of two.  Of course you and the other e1000
> developers are the experts, but the dominant bus cost should be copying
> data buffers across the bus. Everything else in minimal in comparison.
> Intel insiders: isn't there some simple instrumentation available (which
> read registers or statistics counters on the PCI-e interface chip) to
> tell us statistics such as how many bits have moved over the link in
> each direction? This plus some accurate timing would make it easy to see
> if the TCP case is saturating the PCI-e bus.  Then the theory addressed
> with data rather than with opinions.

the only tools we have are expensive bus analyzers. As said in the thread with
Rick Jones, I think there might be some tools avaialable from Intel for this 
but I
have never seen these.


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