[As an individual contributor]

Already many comments have been made, hopefully he below comments are new:

1. In Section 3, it says:

  "By advertising a YANG module in which metadata annotation A is
   defined using the "md:annotation" statement, a server specifies
   support for the syntax of annotation A.  This means that
   configuration or state data, RPC messages and notifications will be
   considered syntactically valid if annotation A is attached to any
   data node instance, provided that all rules stated in this document
   are observed."

  Does this mean that the annotation A can be used by *any* module
  the server advertises, or just the modules that define/import
  annotation A?
  For example, could a YANG module be defined like this:

   module example-color-text {
     namespace "http://example.org/example-color-text";;
     prefix "rgb";
     import ietf-yang-metadata { prefix "md"; }
       "Text is black, unless colored otherwise";
     md:annotation color {
       type enumeration {
         enum red;
         enum green;
         enum blue;
         "This annotation only makes sense within this module.
          Application of this annotation to any data node
          Recursively applies to all its descendent nodes.";
     container document {
       list paragraph {
         list sentence {
           leaf-list word {
             type string;

  I assume that the intent is for the annotation to apply to
  the server as a whole, not any specific module.  It might
  help enforce this if annotations can only be defined in
  modules that don't define any data-nodes and it is required
  that the server advertises this module explicitly (not via
  an import)...

2. Also in Section 3, s/conditional:/conditional;/

3. In Section 4.2.2, adding metadata to the first entry in a list doesn't
seem elegant.  Can we instead create a special list element like the

   "seq": [
       "@": {
           "example-inactive:inactive": true

       "name": "two",

  I don't think that '@' is a valid identifier string, so it's
  syntactically OK, right?

4. Also in Section 4.2.2, an anydata example would complete this section...

5. In Section 4.2.3, an anyxml example would complete this section...


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