[chair hat on, changed subject line]

On 9/1/15, 11:05 AM, "Lou Berger" <lber...@labn.net> wrote:

>This is exactly the (sub) model reuse issue I was getting at in
>I think this new capability (i.e., the ability to define complex,
>augmentable and reusable structures that are "included" when defining
>more complex models) would be a good new issue to track.

Yes, we need to start tracking new YANG language issues like this one.
How/where is the question...

First off, anything that can be implemented using a YANG language
extension should be submitted as a draft and released that way.
Everything else is essentially destined for a 6020bis-bis - agreed?

The big question, which may not even have to be answered immediately, is
if 6020bis-bis is YANG 1.2 or a 2.0.  That is, will we confine ourselves
to backwards compatibility or not.

Personally, since I don't have a sense for how much 2.0 there might be, I
think it would be interesting just to collect the YANG 2.0 ideas now.  It
would be good to see what all else is out there besides the I2RS and
OpenConfig stuff we already know about.

Thoughts? - how should we proceed?  - use GitHub issue tracker?


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