
one of the topics from the last virtual interim that needs further
discussion is the ambiguity of the term "data tree". In 6020bis, it is
used with three different meanings:

1. Explicit definition in Sec. 3: "The instantiated tree of
   configuration and state data on a device."

2. In many cases, it is used to denote *any* YANG-modelled tree,
   i.e. including RPC input/output data and notification. An example is
   the definition of container, also in Sec. 3: "An interior data node
   that exists in at most one instance in the data tree."

3. In a few other cases, it is used in a more restricted sense of a
   *configuration* data tree, for example in sec. 4.2.7: "When a node
   from one case is created in the data tree, all nodes from all other
   cases are implicitly deleted."

In my review of 6020bis-06 I proposed to use "data tree" only in the
meaning #2, that is:


     o  data tree: The instantiated tree of configuration and state data
        on a device.


     o data tree: The instantiated tree of configuration, state data,
       combined configuration and state data, RPC input or output, or

We could use "configuration data tree" for #3, but a special term would
probably also be needed for #1.

Comments, suggestions?


Ladislav Lhotka, CZ.NIC Labs
PGP Key ID: E74E8C0C

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