On 22/09/2015 19:04, Andy Bierman wrote:

On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 10:00 AM, Juergen Schoenwaelder <j.schoenwael...@jacobs-university.de <mailto:j.schoenwael...@jacobs-university.de>> wrote:

    On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 09:20:18AM -0700, Andy Bierman wrote:
    > NETCONF and RESTCONF are asynchronous, meaning the client and server
    > run in separate processes and communication between client and
    server can
    > occur at any time.

    I thought the openconfig discussion was centered around the server

    > If the server returns <ok/> to an edit request, that means it is
    accepted in
    > the intended config.

    I think we need to use precise terminology otherwise we keep talking
    past each other. An <ok/> to an <edit-config> means the edit got
    'accepted' (not sure what this term means) in the configuration
    datastore being edited, such as <running/> or <candidate/>.

OK -- the edit is accepted as part of the <running> datastore.
That means is passes the YANG validation tests.
I guess our terminology is so poor that we cannot even describe that
means wrt/ the device or the network.

    Perhaps <running/> === intended configuration datastore. But I think
    it is important to not forget that there are multiple configuration
    datastores in NETCONF.

    My understanding is that the <edit-config/> operation is synchronous
    with respect to the change of the configuration datastore. The
    propagation of the data from the <running/> configuration datastore to
    the internal pieces of hardware and software being configured may be
    asynchronous and is usually considered an implementation detail. The
    protocol itself allows asynchronous clients to be written that can
    talk to multiple servers and in principle the protocol supports
    pipelining of requests from a single client to a single server but all
    requests are executed serially. I think the same applies to RESTCONF
    but I am a bit less confident.

I agree with Carl that there is no problem to solve wrt/ "show running"
being delayed.  I think implementations just return the intended values.

This doesn't seem to be consistent with the rfc6241 section 5.1 that states:
"The running configuration datastore holds the complete configuration currently active on the network device."

Also, section 4.2 of openconfig-netmod-opstate states:

   "In a synchronous system, configuration changes are transactional and
   committed as an atomic unit.  This implies that the management system
   knows the success or failure of the configuration change based on the
   return value, and hence knows that the intended configuration matches
   what is on the system (i..e, what has been applied).  In particular,
   the value of any configuration variable should always reflect the
   (intended) configured value.  Synchronous operation is generally
   associated with a NETCONF-based system that provides transactional
   semantics for all changes."

Taken together, to me, this implies that the definition of "applied configuration" is such that after a successful regular (i.e. "synchronous") NETCONF edit-config request then the values that the running datastore holds is both the intended configuration and applied configuration. I.e. they are the same.

Of course, I agree that this doesn't guarantee that a particular item of configuration has been fully programmed everywhere on the system, but that is what the derived state indirectly tells gives you.

It is only "asynchronous" servers that return early from an edit-config request for which the intended config can ever differ from the applied config. Further, assuming that there are no errors when applying the configuration, then at the point in time that a server would have logically completed a normal "synchronous" config request, the value of the "applied configuration" leaves would be identical to the "intended configuration" leaves.




    Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
    Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
    Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <http://www.jacobs-university.de/>

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